My News For April 2022
Hi all.
I did a little rant as I walked the dogs. The sound is not great.
It is in a few parts.
(1) Age Verification Back in the News
I have covered this before [See BBC: Porn sites will be legally required to verify users’ age]
Rather than go on about it in full. I just thought it was interesting that one of my arguments was that people would get age verification accounts then sell them, as people are doing this now in the UK signing up for delivery fast food jobs, then selling or/and renting the accounts.
So if they ever do bring in Age Verification to the UK, one suspects that people will simply sign up, then sell the accounts to others, so making Age Verification completely pointless.
(2) Trans People In Sport
Before I start, just to be clear I support trans people and have no problems what teams trans people play in. Though to be honest, I have zero interest in sport.
However I point a few things out:
(1A) Children may be encouraged to opt for medical treatment who may not be trans.
It seems at the moment left wing teachers and so on, may be encouraging children to believe they are trans, when in fact they may be gay or lesbian, and so make a huge mistake if they get unneeded medical treatment.
I often wonder if I was a child today, would some well meaning teacher be suggesting I was trans, as I used to have very long hair, and I do have small hand and feet. I was into heavy metal as a youth. And so, the fashion was that 'girl' look. Indeed teenage fashion has always been males in a more feminine look (goths, punks, teddy boys, heavy metal and so on).
Will girls who are tom boys now be seen as possible trans, and will boys who are gay and girls who are lesbian believe they are trans rather than gay or lesbian?
While we need to support those who are trans, we must be carful not to make those who are not trans believe they are and have medical intervention that could drastically change there lives for ever.
(1B) Why women do not want trans people to compete with them.
Notice it is women who are the ones who seem to be objecting to trans people not competing with women, yet hardly ever (I have not yet heard any in fact) men say they do not want to compete with trans people.
The reason given, is that men who transition to women are often stronger and faster than women who were born women.
That is fine to put forward that argument, however it goes against the argument women have been making, and that is women are as good and fast as men in sport and as such should get equal pay.
This throws up an interesting situation.
If women are saying that trans women (women who transitioned from men) are stronger and faster, and that men generally are stronger and faster than women, then that is fine. But, if that is the case, then you can no longer put forward the argument women should in sport be paid the same as men, if your saying they are not as good. And this in turn puts forward a new debate, and that is if your saying women are not as strange and as fast as men, are we then saying in work men are stronger and faster and as such women should be paid less than men.
Feminists can not have it both ways (or can they). Men and women are equal, and as such should be paid the same in sport, and trans women, should be allowed to compete with women (who are born female), or men and women are not equal, and so men should be paid more and woman's sports suck next to men's.
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